Wednesday 29 May 2013

Embracing the mother figure

Pressure on women to return to their pre – pregnancy figure is enormous. Nappy companies and baby magazines are screaming the fastest and easiest ways to achieve that ultimate goal of the perfect figure. Yet in reality do we ever achieve that perfection? How many women are striving and pushing themselves too early to attain that elusive size and creating issues to haunt them in later life by pushing their body too soon, too fast.

Pelvic floor and abdominal exercises are important post-birth but in a progressive and graded exercise programme that realistically helps the client top achieve her goals safely and without risk to her body. I also strongly believe that our role as postnatal exercise teachers is to support women in the changes their body has gone through helping them identify what is realistic and embracing their new role and power as a mother. 

Embracing their curves, their womanly figure and celebrating the changes that have produced the new and wondrous life that is their child.

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